Poster Presentation (Group 1) Part 1 of 9 (F_P1.1 to F_P1.5)

F_P1.1 Carrying Out Site Inspection In A Smart Way: Digital Defect Management System

Chung CCA(1), Chan CMJ(1), Lee NN(1)

(1) KWC Planning & Commissioning Team

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F_P1.2 Enhancing Functional Ambulatory Capacity and Balance by Physiotherapy for Patients through Smart Neuro Day Rehabilitation

Leung KKY(1), Chan JSP(1), Yeung EMP(2), Chak NNT(1), Cheung GCM(1), Wong JTM(1), Tai ML (2), Yu TKK (2), Leung KKL(1)

(1)Physiotherapy Department (2)Department of Rehabilitation, Kowloon Hospital

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F_P1.3 Advanced End-of-life care service model in Accident and Emergency Department in North Lantau Hospital

Chan KI(1), Wong OF(1), Ko S(1), Wong CH (1), Chan WK(1), Chan SL(1), Yip LF(1)

(1) Accident and Emergency Department, North Lantau Hospital

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F_P1.4 A Retrospective Study: The Impact on Pharmacy Waiting Time by Expanding Express Queue Dispensing Service from One-Item to Up-to-Two-Item

K.Y.Chan (1), P.K.Wong (1), C.Y.Chan (1), S.Y.Wong (1)

(1) Department of Pharmacy, Queen Mary Hospital

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F_P1.5 Pilot Program in Geriatric Vascular Surgery Collaboration Service in QMH

Chan PC(1), Tang YCF(1), Lee WMC(1), Wong CCA(1), Ng YMT(2), Law TC(2), Luk KHJ(2), Chan KKS(1), Leung MY(3), Lam YHR(4)

(1)Department of Surgery, QMH, (2)Department of Medicine, FYKH, (3)Department of Anaesthesia, Pain and Perioperative Medicine,(4) Patient Resource Centre

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