Poster Presentation (Group 6) Part 1 of 9 (F_P6.1 to F_P6.5)

F_P6.1 Embrace Patient Centric Experiences powered by Business Intelligence of Patient Emergency Admission using Real Time Emergency Admission Dashboard and In-patient Bed Status Dashboard in North District Hospital, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

Chan HM(1), Li YN(1)(2), Leung KLD(1)(2),Lee SC(1)(2),Sun TFD(1)(2),

Department of Accident and Emergency, Department of O&T, Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Central Nursing Division

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F_P6.2 A Pilot Study on: Smart OT Rehabilitation Program for Stroke Patients by the application of Advanced Technologies

Chan KC(1), Lam WY (1), Cheung KW (1), Mok WS (1), Lee HS (1), Hui N (1)

(1) Occupational Therapy Department, United Christian Hospital

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F_P6.3 Public Fertility Preservation Programme for Cancer Patients in Hong Kong: a Two-and-a-half-year Review

Chan TYD, Ko KYJ, Lam KWK, Tong YW, Wong E, Cheng HYH, Yung SFS, Li HWR, Ng HYE

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

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F_P6.4 Impacts of an Immersive VR Learning Experience in Hong Kong Student Midwives

Chan W C (1), Au-Yeung E (1)

(1) School of Midwifery, Prince of Wales Hospital

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F_P6.5 Pilot Project to Explore the Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Occupational Therapy as Augmentative Cognitive Training Program for patients with Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (Mild NCD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Chan WKV, Cheung H, Wong TY, Lee MH, Kwok KW, Lo SS, Sze MY

Occupational Therapy Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

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